At Henderson Health Care Services, we offer the opportunity to work alongside Henderson Health Care professionals to learn new skills and gain knowledge to better equip you on your career path. Through Henderson Health Care there are a wide variety of positions that can be pursued through internships. Our internships can be paid and allow for flexible hours. We also work around students' academic schedules and extracurricular activities.
We are an independent non-profit, healthcare campus that encourages wellness, provides medical care, and offers long-term living alternatives for area residents. We are committed to helping students enter the healthcare industry as a cross-cutting, growing organization that helps students be successful.
If you would like to learn more about the internship opportunities available at Henderson Health Care, please email Human Resources Director, Ashley Griess, at or call (402) 723-4512.
Patient Feedback
"Thank you HHC for giving our family protection, health, assurance, & true care. The "Forever Moments" held in our hearts have so many of you in them. We could not have written our family's beginning any better. We were able to bring our 4 children into this world with full faith in the people providing us care in our most helpless, but most beautiful moment."